
Friday, May 17, 2013

I don't know what Im doing? Im just going along with it & just seein' what happens...

Just going with the motions of doing it & seeing what happens...

     Greetings & Salutations ! So many things keep going & I just go along with it & say to myself," Lets just see what happens ? " With this attitude I have been published in 7 magazines in the last 3 months & I have 3 other gals who would like to work with me,which Im really excited about . Alli-Cat has been amazing , shes fun to work with & earthy and really is a teamworker,Im so thankful to be working with her . Since Alli-Cat & I have been working together , we have got published in 7 magazines.These magazines have become fans of Alli & I's  work . Its a treat to go to my email and see them say they love my work & they can't wait to see more. On this magazine , I was emailed that they liked the photos I had sent so much , they wanted to also put them in their sister magazine Ink Pushers Magazine .

We got another full page layout!
Im excited because I don't know where Im going next , like I have said many times
in this blog , Im just going with the flow,getting my work out there & just doing it most of all . No one will know what you know how to do if they don't see it .I enjoy my work alot & Im always excited for my next endeavor,which I never know what that is until I come up with something or someone collaborates with me . It always is a joy & excitement when I take on a project. I will say this , I have tried twice to take my work to the next level for myself , but have failed because I dont trust in myself , I believe that when I try to work with outside sources , it seems to back fire on me , this is happened twice . I will try to get back up on that horse again ,with just me directing this in hopes that I will get my idea across , for I think its so simple yet when I get other people involved , when their not ready for it , it always doesn't work .Even though many have warned me not to work with this individual , I have a soft heart to this person and it really is a learning process for me at the same time , but I think I've learned. When a person trys to make threats to your work , what they don't understand , its not only you they are hurting , its a whole team of people who are taking their time out to work with you , and that person just doesnt care . All they care about is that you fail. I hope you will all learn from my mistakes , don't work with anyone who will hold your own project as a carrot to you. Its not right and most of all its not fair to you or your cast and crew. I hope next time I come back here to tell you that my last shoot went great! Wish me luck , and thanks as always for listening it means alot!

love always,
MaryAnn K.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Dreams are always coming true , day by day you don't realize it , but its all happening...

Its all happening right in front of me

     Greetings & salutations ! Since I left you last , I have got into 3more magazines , found out that one of my documentaries got picked up and we are getting funding for , and Im working on yet another crazy idea , I hope runs smoothly. I always get excited when my work is in something . Remember , Im from Los Angeles , no one is very kind here . I've learned that its a good thing these people look down on me like Im a joke or what I get into isn't really real.It truly keeps me humble . So this magazine below Im very proud to be in.I am a featured photographer and thats something to me! When I look at the front cover and see what names my name is listed by , I am honored! These are not bad photographers at all! In fact , they are the greatest in the Pin up world! So I am so honored to be named as a featured artists by other amazing artists.

     If I can give any advice to those who feel intimidated by getting their work out there.
     It would be this ; you really have to have your mindset be , that you don't care what anyone thinks or says , thats just their opinion , their judgement. People are always gonna give you whats on their mind . You kinda have to have the ," I don't care what you say " ,attitude . Everyone will try to put doubt in your mind , make you question yourself .
      There are older women that I know , who studied in some of the top art schools here in Cali , they even have degrees in Photography . I think I piss off these people the most . These women , would constantly tell me , you have to take classes if you want to be taken seriously .This always put me in a mindset of , " oh well , I guess I won't do photography , I don't have the time or money to go to school". I learned by figuring out stuff myself.I watched my daughter on photoshop all the time and Youtube as you well know can be your best friend when you want to learn something ,theres always someone willing to show you .This is how I learned . I didn't need to become a professional , I just had to have the desire and passion to try , and look where I am now!Doing Pin Up photography and getting into fanzine magazines , I don't think Im doin' to badly LOL!

   I love what I do! No excuses not to try ,not to do it .People are always gonna try to tell you this person is better , or that they are better ,but what I find strange about the"Im better than you-ers", is that they talk alot of hot air and then when you ask them ," So what have you been doing with your photography" They bring out the thousand of reasons to why they haven't done anything , then give you a dirty look for asking and walk away.
Don't let people bring you down . I don't , I use to ,but I've grown to understand , just try and lets just see what happens yeah? What do you got to lose? I tried and now I have a make up artists , stylist , cinematographer and people who are kind enough to help me out. I am blessed and very greatful!

     Thanks as always for stopping by . I only want to let y'all know that no matter how cruel people get about your dreams , just keep goin' ignore those negative energies and you will fly!

P.S. Oh! You can buy this magazine here :

Classy Keen Magazine

                             Thanks for listening , I love you guys!

                                    MaryAnn K. :)